OTP components are called Producers and Consumers. Producers transmit information about objects, while Consumers receive the information.
Consumers advertise the types of information they care about receiving, and Producers only transmit the information they know Consumers wish to receive. This makes OTP efficient and scaleable.
OTP is designed to run on modern entertainment networks, and supports both IPv4 and IPv6. To ensure it is clear to users what their devices support, implementers of OTP are required to state the version on marketing materials and documentation using the following designations:
OTP-4 (IPv4 only)
OTP-6 (IPv6 only)
OTP-4/6 (IPv4 & IPv6)
OTP transmits data about objects using Points. Depending on individual requirements, a Point may be the center of a complex object, or merely one of many Points on it.
Each Point contains additional information describing it, including position, rotation and velocity. Manufacturers are able to define their own ‘Modules’ which carry extra information specific to them which can be interpreted by Consumers which understand them.
Standard Modules
X, Y, Z position in either μm (default) or mm
Position Velocity/Acceleration
Linear velocity in μm/s
Linear acceleration in μm/s2
X, Y, Z rotation in millionths of a decimal degree
Rotation Velocity/Acceleration
Velocity of X, Y, Z rotation in thousandths of a decimal degree/s,
Acceleration of X, Y, Z rotation in thousandths of a decimal degree/s2
The scale in unitless millionths. 1 indicates that a Point is at its reference size
Reference Frame
The address of the Point which this Point’s other information is relative to
OTP has a large addressable space making it highly scaleable, and providing easier partitioning and organization. It is the responsibility of users to ensure there are no conflicts in addressing.
The address of a point is notated using the convention system/group/point, for example:
System numbers (1-200) are intended for partitioning in larger environments. It is expected that a unique system number will be assigned to each Producer which transmits lots of points such as an automation control console. Consumers can choose which systems they are interested in receiving data from, increasing network efficiency.
Group numbers (1-60,000) are intended to group together associated points, such as those on a single object.
Point numbers (1-4,000,000,000) identify a Point within a group.