What is OTP?
OTP provides a mechanism to transfer object transform information such as position, rotation and velocity over an IP network.
Data transmitted is intended to coordinate visual and audio elements of a production.
Why choose OTP?
Accurate prediction using timestamps for both message generation and sampling of point data
Support for multiple producers for backup and advanced show control purposes
Per point priority mechanism
System segmentation for larger environments
Extensible using manufacturer defined modules
Consistent defined coordinate system
Definable hierarchy
Large addressable space
Automatic discovery and advertisement
Efficient network optimizations
Support for IPv4/6
This website is not a part of, or directly affiliated with the ESTA. The owner and other contributors are actively involved in ESTA, but their participation here is not as an affiliation with ESTA.
This site is owned by Dan Murfin and maintained by various individuals involved with the Control Protocols Working Group.
All information is provided “as is”, without any warranty of any kind. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability arising from information obtained from this website or through links provided by it.