
The OTP standard is available to download from the ESTA Technical Standards Program website.

Current Revision: ANSI E1.59 - 2021, Entertainment Technology - Object Transform Protocol (OTP)

Currently free of charge thanks to ProSight Specialty Insurance.

Open Source Implementations

The following implementations are provided for reference, and their presence on this site does not imply compliance or safety testing. In no event shall the authors of this site be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability arising from the use of these implementations.


A Swift Package (SPM) implementation of ANSI E1.59 - 2021, Entertainment Technology - Object Transform Protocol (OTP).

Provides complete protocol implementations of OTP Producer and Consumer components using IPv4/6 (OTP-4, OTP-6, OTP-4/6).


A QT library for ANSI E1.59 - 2021

Entertainment Technology Object Transform Protocol (OTP)


A node.js library for interfacing with Object Transform Protocol (ESTA E1.59).

This is an open source library, developed by Infinitus Lux, LLC.

Developer Tools

Wireshark OTP Dissector

Wireshark dissector written in LUA.


Product designations

OTP is designed to operate over both IPv4 and IPv6. To support users and manufacturers in knowing which versions are supported by a product, three designations are defined by the standard. Manufacturers should use these designations in product marketing and documentation.

OTP-4 (IPv4 only)
OTP-6 (IPv6 only)
OTP-4/6 (IPv4 & IPv6)


The OTP logo and logo packs are not an official part of the OTP standard, and are made available to help users and manufacturers identify products and services which support OTP. Use of the OTP logo does not guarantee safety, or compliance with the standard.

These logos and logo packs are made available free of royalty and attribution.

Use of these logos does not imply that a product or service has been tested, or endorsed to the standard by the authors of this site, or any other individual or organization. In no event shall the authors of this site be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability arising from the use of these logos.


OTP Logo Pack


OTP-4 Logo Pack

IPv4 only support

OTP-6 Translucent Logo

OTP-6 Logo Pack

IPv6 only support


OTP-4/6 Logo Pack

IPv4 and IPv6 support